j's online notebook

3-31-03 / 17:09:03

If, like me, you are so avid a reader that almost any copy will do, then never buy another book for the rest of your life. Free e-books. [I didn't know they were imprisoned.] Over 6,000 of them, all by good writers. I downloaded Orlando by Virginia Woolf and The Seven Pillars of Wisdom by T.E. Lawrence. I've always wanted to read those books, but I've never wanted to actually pay for them. Orlando is about a man who becomes a woman. A book way ahead of its time. And Seven Pillars is about "Lawrence of Arabia." [Later note: I'm really getting into Seven Pillars. I've known for a long time that we haven't been all that above board with the Arabs, but I didn't know quite how. Lawrence gets right to the heart of the matter. Project the contents of this book through the century and you can understand why the Iraqis don't particularly trust our motives. Don't go out and rent the movie (Lawrence of Arabia). I'm only a quarter of the way through the book, and I've already discovered many half-truths, distortions, and outright lies in the film. It's a good film, but it's drama with a lot of creative license. It's a bad idea to get your history from films anyway. We're in the trouble we're in now in this country because we're too much addicted to films. Believe me, I know. I'm a first-class addict.]

3-30-03 / 17:21:06

I always feel like somebody's watching me. It just keeps getting worse and worse ( or better, if your name is Ashcroft):

Surveillance Nation [Technology Review]
Israel Warns Websites on War Coverage [News.com]
Bush order covers Internet secrets News.com
Putting the Blinders Back on Big Brother [BusinessWeek]

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