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Darin Kagan

I like Darin Kagan, a lot. I think she's attractive and personable and a cut above the cookie-cutter news people who populate the channels. But she's a terrible reporter. She asks long, elaborate, leading questions designed more to express her own point of view than to elicit information from the people she interviews. Only the most astute interviewees are capable in her interviews of getting their own information across, and then a lot of them have to do it in counterpoint to Kagan's opinions. This is not reporting. This is editorializing.

Alex Witt

Now this is a news lady and, apparently, a real lady as well. I can't help but fantasize about being somehow associated with her. What an honor it would be. She's competent, personable, and demure--and incredibly sexy in that way that some women have of underplaying their sexuality so that it is subtle and not quite available. She's a real class act. I'm wondering what she's doing on TV when she could be in Hollywood. I guess she's really the professional she seems to be. But she's becoming a bit arrogant. It's not really a fault yet, but it could become one. She was much better when she was new to the business and just a bit intimidated.

Kelly Wallace

That twist to her mouth, the one-sided lip curl that she seems to try so hard to avoid, but sometimes just can't help it, perhaps reveals a sarcastic nature that she never otherwise seems to show on-screen. If this is the case, more credit to her. And it makes her a more interesting person. I'd really like to get to know her, to study her personality close up. I'll bet she's a fantastic person. When she smiles, full-mouthed, without the twist, she beams a personality that is impossible to resist. I wish she'd do that more often onscreen.

Judy Fortin

Judy has been my favorite reporter for a long time. She fits exactly the type of women I've become involved with and enamored of all of my life, a petite, pixie-like lady. None of those relationships ever worked out, so I should have learned my lesson by now. But what intensity they had while they lasted. This is exactly the type of woman I know by now to stay away from, but never do. She has an impish personality that she uses to present the news, but nevertheless in a straightforward, business-like manner. I've been in love with her for a long time and I never even met her. Alas.

Paula Zahn

Paula appears to be a solid, factual reporter. But her unconscious agenda is revealed in the emphatic whine of her questions. Nice looking babe, though. Great face. Lots of "character." Majestic facial musculature. She always seems to be serious, but off the job, I'll bet she's lots of fun.

Judy Woodruff

I'm attracted to her, especially to the fact that she looks so good despite her age. But she's one of the most unprofessional journalists on TV, continually interjecting her opinions in the form of direct comment and with tsks, sighs, and body language. And the tsking is so ingrained that it occurs before or after almost every news item, as a speech affect, a signal that her editorializing is a function of her basic critical personality and will never be overcome.

Eileen O'Connor

I wish I knew her when she was younger. I imagine she has had an interesting past. And those lips. Sexy. Are those her own, or are they pumped up?

Carol Lin

Isn't she a baby doll, though? I just love the way this woman looks. And she seems quite competent as a news person too.

Catherine Herridge

I adore her square face and close-cropped hair. This is the kind of mug you want to cradle gently in your hands as your plant kisses all over it.

Elizabeth Cohen

Here's a News Princess if there ever was one. And apparently, judging from her links page, she's a Shel Silverstein fan. All right!

Fredricka Whitfield

A sultry, brooding version of a newsperson. The kind of woman who'd make you work real hard to be with her, and it would probably be worth it.

Linda Vester

This is a sassy chick for sure, the kind of woman it'd be fun to be with, because she'd contantly be taking a sarcastic tone with you and forcing you to measure up to your (or her) convictions.

Linda Stouffer

I'll bet this is a sweet, sweet lady.

Rudi Bakhtiar

Now here's a babe. But I hear she dates major league baseball players, so rule this one out guys. You know the type here. Let's not be fooled into thinking she's something she's not.

Robin Meade

Hot stuff.

Suzanne Malveau

Brooding, and mysterious. Worthy of the French name, I'm sure. I'll bet no one ever really gets to know her. Too bad, too. I wonder what deep secrets are locked up inside that beautiful dark skull.

Ashleigh Banfield

Despite the hype that MSNBC has been promoting her with that tends to turn me off toward her, Ashleigh Banfield is one of the best reporters going. She is easily the equal of Christiane Amanpour. And that strong jaw, and those glasses, add to my perception of her as an ideal woman--intelligent, studious-looking, and she's a babe as well. And what an on-screen personality!