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Please feel free to make any comments or suggestions. I very much appreciate the feedback, even when it takes the form of criticism of my work. I am very responsive to criticism when it points out spelling or supposed grammar errors or suggests SPECIFIC recommendations such as the replacement of words, phrases, or sentences with proffered alternatives, suggestions that I can easily accept or reject. But I am generally dismissive of criticism that is of a more general nature, such as suggestions for broad-stroked revisions to plot, story line, characterization, etc. But please make them anyway. I love to learn what people think about my work, and although I may not revise existing work as a result of  your criticism, it could influence the future of my art --and/or this site.

As far as my "political" beliefs go (they're not really so political; they're more of an artistic mode of expression), I’m perfectly willing to change my mind. Convince me. Appeal to my sense of logic, to my ability to reason; appeal to my sensibilities and sensitivities; appeal to the internal environment that supports my belief system. The worst that can happen is that I will disagree. More probably, I will recognize your position as one that is an alternative to mine, an equal, but different opinion. There are many sides to every situation and I recognize a lot of them, and often I take one side out of ignorance or arbitrariness. But no one is completely right if someone disagrees. The universal mind has room for all opinion and reduces all to one great thought.

If you do not want to see your e-mails posted to this (or any other) website, add the word 'confidential' to your e-mail subject line.

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